Subject: Lesley Update - 11/9 Lesley was released from the hospital today and I brought her home. Her stay was a bit of a roller coaster with ups and downs. Her MRI came back fine - the internal pressure has been relieved and there has been no tumor growth. She was successfully weaned off the Mannitol and is continuing on a high dose of the steroid Decadron (16mg/day). She has significant external swelling on the inside of the horseshoe shaped incision/stitches. It is not infected, but it is causing Lesley quite a bit of pain. Most of the time she is uncomfortable and uses an ice pack to help manage the pain. Sometimes she barely has a headache and other times she's counting the minutes until the next dose of Percocet. She is back on a pretty steady diet of Percocet. The doctor says it may take 2 weeks for the swelling to subside. Complicating/helping matters is a virtual cocktail of 6 medications (plus a multivitamin with iron) that she takes, some of which may cause headaches. Lesley is walking occasionally and doing quite well. Her difficulty with choosing the right words (aphasia) is worse than it was before the operation and immediately after the operation, but the doctors think that will improve. Her strength is good on both her left and right sides. We have an appointment with the neuro-oncologist on Monday. If everything goes well, Lesley will start on the chemotherapy (Temodar) right away. The doc wants to be "aggressive." She will also have her stitches removed that day. So it looks like we won't go out dancing in the near future, but the family agrees that it's good to have Lesley home, even if she isn't hitting on all 8 cylinders. Dave -- Dave Baldauf, h/o Lesley, gbm, dx/srg 8/99, rad 9/99, rad completed 10/99, debulk srg 10/99, probably starting Temodar 11/99