'99 Western Vacation
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July 25
July 26
July 27
July 28
July 29
July 30
July 31
August 1
August 2
August 3
August 4
August 5
August 6
August 7
August 8
August 9
Welcome To The Baldaufs' Summer of '99 Travel Web Page!


This page tracked the Baldaufs as we traveled out West to visit the National Parks in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming. We hope you enjoy our pictures and narration. Note that you should click on the date that you want to look at. Then you can click on the thumbnail pictures to download a bigger version of the pictures. Be advised that the bigger versions are about 160K.

bullet July 25th - Home to Las Vegas
bullet July 26th - Las Vegas
bullet July 27th - Las Vegas to Zion National Park
bullet July 28th - Zion National Park
bullet July 29th - Zion National Park
bullet July 30th - Zion National Park to Grand Canyon North
bullet July 31st - Grand Canyon North
bullet August 1st - Grand Canyon North to Grand Canyon South
bullet August 2nd - Grand Canyon South
bullet August 3rd - Grand Canyon South
bullet August 4th - Grand Canyon South to 4 Corners to Mesa Verde National Park to Cortez
bullet August 5th - Cortez to Arches National Park
bullet August 6th - Arches National Park to Vail
bullet August 7th - Vail
bullet August 8th - Vail to Denver
bullet August 9th - Denver
bullet August 10th - August 28 - Rest of Trip Cancelled Due to Illness