July 30
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July 30 Second Page July 30th.  As you remember from yesterday, we promised to leave Zion today and travel to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  That's exactly what we did!  As we left Zion we took one last hike on the Canyon Overlook trail at Zion.  It gave us our first view of Zion Valley from above.  Quite spectacular!  Then on to the North Rim passing through  hotspots such as Fredonia, Kanab, Mt. Carmel Junction, and Jacobs Lake.  We checked in to the Grand Canyon Lodge (having to schlep our bags to the cabin since we couldn't park anywhere near) and went on a 2.5 mile hike on the Transept trail.  After that, a little relaxation in the cabin, dinner in the lodge, a lecture on the Indian history of the area, and a guided walking tour to Bright Angel Point to see the moon come up (just pass full) and the stars.  That was a little scary as we only used flashlights.  I swear we were inches from death!!!  We'll have to do the same walk in the morning to see how bad it was/is.  Here's some pix for your enjoyment.

The next few are from the Canyon Overlook trail at Zion.


  This one is of the Checkerboard Mesa before leaving Zion.  The horizontal lines were formed in ancient days by drifting sand while the vertical lines are cracks from erosion and ice expansion.

The next pictures are of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  I'm sure you'll enjoy them.  (You gotta link to them.)